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University of the Philippines Open University
Academic Information Management System (AIMS)
UPOU Portal

UPOU Online Application System (OAS) Terms of Use

This Online Application System is owned and operated by the UP Open University. This system aims to automate the application for admission process and facilitate online tracking of application and admission status.

Before using the UPOU-OAS, the applicant should have read and understood the admission requirements of the program applied for. This information can be found at the UPOU website at

An application will be reviewed and evaluated by the Admissions Committee only upon receipt of the original copy of your credentials, in particular a valid transcript of records (refer to ).  UPOU reserves the right to remove application information submitted online if the original copy of the required documents is not received by the Office of the University Registrar within 60 days from applying online.

The applicant is responsible for indicating the academic term of admission applied for. The academic term selection will be disabled after the deadline for application for a particular term. The applicant may then choose to apply for the succeeding term. For programs not accepting new applicants for a particular term, applications will be evaluated for the succeeding term of admission. Please refer to UPOU Graduate Programs and Intake Schedule posted at the UPOU website.

 UPOU does not allow any concurrent enrollment in two or more degree programs. Applicant must submit an honorable dismissal from the current University should s/he wish to continue studying at UPOU. Furthermore, once admitted and enrolled at UPOU, you are not allowed to enroll in any other degree program in another university or in any other UP constituent university. Should you wish to enroll in a degree program in another university while you are a student at UPOU, secure a University clearance and request an honorable dismissal. 

The information supplied in the UPOU-OAS should be true and accurate. UPOU OAS usernames and passwords issued to applicants are confidential and should not be disclosed to any third party. UPOU has the right to disable user accounts if there is a clear indication of violation of these terms of use.

Deferment of admission may be granted for a maximum of 12 months from the original term of admissionApplicants who wish to activate their deferred admission should write the University a week before the start of the enrollment in which they wish to register.

By supplying information through the UPOU-OAS, you signify agreement to the terms and conditions set forth above.

This is a TEST environment. Changes here will not be reflected in the production environment.