Availability of Google Forms for Various Academic Procedures / Processes
Please be informed that the google forms for the following academic procedures are now available. The student is advised to log in to his/her Student Portal account to access the form.
We encourage ALL STUDENTS to make use of the form in cases wherein they need to apply for a specific UPOU procedure / process. This will help both the clientele (students) and the administrator (OUR and FOS) to uniform the process.
- Application for Dropping
- Application for a Leave of Absence (LOA)
- Application for Completion of EXT / Removal of 4.0
- Request for Documents
The AIMS Student Portal (https://our.upou.edu.ph/student) is currently on system maintenance and will have limited functionality at this time. Only the online registration for the second semester 2019-2020 is available and only those eligible to enroll will be allowed access to the Student Portal. The online systems for document requests, application for ID, applications for LOA/dropping/ readmission, completion of EXT/removal of 4.0, and viewing of grades will not be available until further notice.
Document requests, applications for LOA/dropping/readmission, completion of EXT/removal of 4.0 and DRP may be accomplished by downloading the applicable forms (https://registrar.upou.edu.ph/downloadable-forms/) and sending the filled out form to [email protected] for processing. Please be guided also by the procedures described here https://registrar.upou.edu.ph/academic-procedures/
For login problems, please fill-up this troubleshooting form.
2nd Trimester AY 2019-2020- CLOSED
2nd Semester AY 2019-2020- January 2-10, 2020 (All other graduate programs)
The following students are eligible to enroll at UPOU and may access the online registration system during the enrollment period:
- Newly Admitted Students
- These are new and transfer students who have gone through the admission process and have been officially admitted to UPOU’s programs.
- Continuing Students
- UPOU students who have returned from an official Leave of Absence (LOA).
- Readmitted students, i.e. former UPOU students who have returned from absence without leave (AWOL). An approved application for readmission is necessary to be readmitted to the program.
- Cross- Enrollee Students
- Cross-Enrollees are students of other UP units or non-UP units who have been approved to enroll at UPOU. To enroll at UPOU as cross-enrollee, the student must secure an approved permit to cross-enroll/register form.
- Non-Degree Students
- Non-Degree students do not belong in any program of UPOU.
It is your responsibility as a student to ascertain that you are given the necessary access to the course site (MyPortal) for all the courses you enrolled. The courses you enrolled as displayed in AIMS-Student Portal and Form 5 should match those enlisted courses in your MyPortal page.
Should there be a discrepancy, please email the MyPortal Coordinator [email protected] immediately and copy [email protected] with your email.
Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act (FREE TUITION)
The UP Open University is implementing RA No. 10931 known as the “Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act of 2017” and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) which was approved and signed on 22 February 2018. UPOU has also started implementing the policies stipulated in the Guidelines to Implement the Grant of Free Tuition and Other School Fees in UP released through OVPAA and OVPPF Joint Memorandum No.5.
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