Welcome to UP Open University (UPOU) Online Application System (OAS)
This is the online application system of UP Open University.
Prior to proceeding with your online application, please read the admission qualifications and requirements of the program that you're applying for. Go to www.upou.edu.ph/admissions.
While this system allows you to upload soft copy of some application requirements, submission of the printed original copy of your credentials (e.g. Transcript of Records, Recommendation Letters, etc.) is still required. Send the documents via courier to this address.
This online system also allows you to monitor your application.
For more information, email us at [email protected].
UP Open University (UPOU) offers admission to degree programs in the Undergraduate, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters, and Doctorate levels. Associate and Certification programs are also offered in UPOU. Admission to UPOU is open to the following:
- Philippine-based and offshore-based applicants
- Foreign nationals
- Undergraduate transfer students (from another UP unit or university to UPOU)
Any person seeking admission into a program must satisfy the minimum admission requirement specified in the program applied for and must not be a current student (enrolled, on residency, LOA, AWOL) of another university or college.
Visit the Office of the University Registrar website for more information about admission to degree programs of UPOU, deadlines for submission of application, admission qualifications and requirements, and the admission procedure.
For information about UPOU programs and admission requirements, please visit our website https://www.upou.edu.ph/home/.
For general inquiries about UPOU programs, please contact:
- Office of Public Affairs
- UPOU Headquarters
- Los Banos, Laguna 4031
- Philippines
- Email: [email protected]